A vintage Cooper SK-2000 Large hockey helmet. A vintage Cooper SK-2000 Large hockey helmet. A vintage Cooper SK-2000 Large hockey helmet. Sideguards removed. Sanded clean. Sanded clean. Left side bezel ground down using a Dremel. Both bezels ground down with Dremel to create front trapezoid shape. Disassembled. I used a heat gun to remove the glued-in padding. Playing with the fit. Using the included foam padding to prototype the neck extension. More use of included padding for inside top. I used rubber cement to bond the padding to the helmet. Complete padding. Piece of shoe sole insert for the padding inside front (original is close to Jeff Bridges' brow). JB Plastic Weld to fill holes. Plastic neck extension cut from side of Sterilite box. Bonded to padding with Locktite vinyl glue. Screwed to helmet at sides and back. Filler sanded smooth and testing final fit. The helmet worn by Jeff Bridges had all vent holes filled and blackened. I left all vent holes open so it would be comfortable at Comic-Con. Note screw head filled with plastic filler where neck extension joins helmet. Note screw heads filled with plastic filler where neck extension joins helmet. Primed and sanded with 400-grit. Painted with gloss white enamel. Using tape to mask off line art. This was painful and tedious work. I thought I would do the whole helmet this way and spray it black but I ran out of time. I used a black paint pen to color the taped-off lines. The rest I did pretty much free-hand. I used a razor blade to clean up areas where paint bled under the tape. My Tron (1982) Kevin Flynn helmet! My Tron (1982) Kevin Flynn helmet! My Tron (1982) Kevin Flynn helmet! My Tron (1982) Kevin Flynn helmet! My Tron (1982) Kevin Flynn helmet! My Tron (1982) Kevin Flynn helmet! My Tron (1982) Kevin Flynn helmet!